flowingdata.com/2015/12/15/a-day-in-the-life-of-americans/ (Infographic animation) You see people head to work, run errands, do housework, take care of the kids, commute, relax, and eat at almost designated times during the day.
Quizzes — Different and working well
“Everybody wanted different ways of capturing emails. We would build an entire website but all they wanted was to collect more email addresses, and quizzes just really stood out as the one thing that was different but also working super well.” https://blog.markgrowth.com/how-brands-are-using-viral-quizzes-to-grow-their-email-lists-f377780b5ae0?source=userActivityShare-292419ffc60e-1527565547 “They all are addicted to getting a lot of reactions and sharing, so…
You Can’t Handle the Truth About Facebook Ads, New Harvard Study Shows
When you tell people you've been tracking them across the internet, they freak out and avoid buying your product, research at the Harvard Business School found. The 449 paid subjects in the targeting research, who were recruited online, were about 24 percent less likely to be interested in making a purchase or visiting the advertiser…
Metrics & Outcomes
https://twitter.com/terryparrisjr/status/992814357863174144 https://twitter.com/terryparrisjr/status/992814438242816000 https://twitter.com/sjkmcnally/status/993391860189204480