Content Tools @ True/Slant

Editors at True/Slant made updates to stories, topics, and promotions directly from the live site. Edit options appeared only for people with access to them. Edits made were contextual to the page, topic activity stream, or promo unit where they were made. Every dynamic page item was editable. Published updates went Live immediately.

True/Slant Suggests

A lot of clever engineering, parsing, processing, and weighting of content, activity streams, and social signals fed True/Slant Suggests. We applied this same approach to B2C and B2B products and tools for writers, editors, marketers, sales folks. Choose writers, topics, and news sources to follow: Each selection focuses suggested Contributors: Suggestions were informed by whatever…

Lean Agile @ Forbes

Forbes acquired our start-up's platform and management team and we had Executive advocates from the outset. Good SDLC practices and feature abstractions we built into True/Slant allowed us to rapidly spin up "white label" editorial and marketing functions and workflows. Quick releases targeted narrowly to teams and edit desks where colleagues took time to actively…