Recency, Frequency, and Time Spent

We pull recency, frequency, and time spent stats from historical application and tool usage early in the process. With SaaS and in-house business apps, people recognize tasks they worked on this morning and yesterday in this same app and that's helpful context. Mapping frequent tasks to existing shortcuts is quick Time To Return on Investment.…

Activity Streams ready for Processing

Working with people through feedback from their core reports prepares these same activity streams for more processing and discovery. We surface patterns and click streams, create new shortcuts beyond the defaults, apply more models, Machine Learning and AI. The models generate more recommendations from this additional processing. People review and refine the recommendations made and…

The Tools we Use: App Context

Smart people build reasonable defaults into the apps and sites we use. The best defaults are presented to us at just the right time. The red squiggle's a good example. It's familiar and unambiguous. It suggests a change and lets us make it. That's a bit on-the-nose ... Familiar and unambiguous are specific parts of…

Image and Video Handling

Industry-specific file types and leveraging previous work and workflows from yourself and others to avoid creating new one-offs Today's Small, Good Thing involved a CD with MRI images from a radiologist's office. It's labeled "For Physicians Only," and while I'm not a doctor, I've played one on IRC. The files didn't open with the default…