Text editor. Code completion. Solid git and github integration. Active community of developers, tons of Extensions, and smart ways to enable them only in places you need them.
Multi-Account Containers are now essential. Simple Tab Groups levels-up whatever work you’re doing.
A solid app for managing tasks and time spent. Kanban board. Time tracker. Gentle nudges to stay focused. Reports showing your work over the day, week, and month.
“ffmpeg handles media. One-liners do conversions, resizing, and other useful stuff for working in high-res knowing other outputs will be fast and [;ChefsKissEmoji].”
Ecosystem of people developers editors designers marketers SaaS and PaaS and cloud services of all stripes.
“Blender Video Sequence Editor makes Quick&Dirty work and deeper work work. Hardcore engineers. Active community. Excellent docs that help a lot.”