Jounce through the Paces

Templates that Delivered

Product Roadmap & Feature Requests on

Jounce publishes their product roadmap and solicits feature requests on

Notes from initial rounds of testing and application

Templates that Delivered

  • Listicle
  • Personal Bio
  • Tweet Machine
  • Sentence Expander
  • Explain it to a Child
  • Persuasive Bullet Points
  • Blog Post (One-Shot)
  • Summarize
  • Text Summarizer
  • Commands


  • Jounce Listicle template is solid for evergreen content. It doesn't work well with current events and future dates. This output for Music and Arts events for March 2023 looks correct, but the links are invalid.
  • Jounce Listicle template is solid for evergreen content. It doesn't work well with current events and future dates. This output for Music and Arts events for March 2023 looks correct, but the links are invalid.
  • Jounce Listicle template is solid for evergreen content across a variety of topics. This list of workshops combining Western Psychology and Shamanic Traditions was ready for review and updates by editors.

Tweet Machine

Tweet Machine has well-structured and -understood inputs and outputs. Results are heavy on tags and emojii but are ready for review and updates by people.

Sentence Expander

As with all Jounce template output, tweaking the prompt input sharpened the output. The prompt here in text narrative -- attracting content creators to actively engage online -- is similar to the copy in the links used to prompt using Persausive Bullet Points.

Explain it to a Child

Including a URL and requesting links in the output using Jounce's 'Explain it to a Child' template

Blog Post (One-Shot)

The One-Shot Blog Post is a catch-all. Jounce templates structure and guide prompt input

Summaries and Commands

These are less photogenic and warrant their own follow-up.

Summarize, Text Summarizer

Using Jounce’s Commands template to write code

in awk, read input from DatesAndTimestamps.txt to create arrays of dates. Each date is in the format YYMMDD. Each date array has one or more timestamp values in the format HH:MMPM. Print the awk code in the output.

By Steve McNally

I build products, teams and business lines that blend publishing, marketing and advertising technologies for global brands and startups.